Yesterday, I had an experience that is life changing! I was on a 'Zoom' call with the River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding group, including several brilliant women who spoke about the crisis in the Ukraine. It was monumental for me because for the first time, really, I got in my soul and my gut that we are ALL CONNECTED. When any of us look up at the beautiful clouds, they are for all of us. 

These people shared such wisdom, pathos and meaning in such a way I realized I was part of it all. It was particularly meaningful because I actually have met 2 women from the Ukraine (one was on the call) a few years ago when they came to work with my son and daughter in love at the River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding. They both have left the Ukraine now. One woman took her child but had to leave her husband there. 

This whole experience is quite significant for me because I very often have been quite ostrich like in not wanting to face what is really going on in the world. I have always felt so helpless, not having a clue how I could 'help'. Now I feel, even writing to you all that I am involved in a very small way but it comforts me to know that I can reach out at least.

I have been sending LOVE and LIGHT to all, trusting that any bit of love will somehow reach the masses. It seems we are on the outside of what is happening but we are in it at a different level. We're walking around doing our day with broken hearts and perhaps confusion as to what's what. Someone noted that somewhere at 12:00 noon everything stops in silence & in stillness to send love and light and to think of the people directly involved. Also the Russians who are against this war and feel, I'm sure overwhelmed and helpless and trapped by their situation. The perpetrators have their own agenda and I send them light that they may soon 'wake up' and change direction. They are in the dark and ignorant of another way, it seems.

I realized I can stop whatever I am doing & be silent and still for a minute, at 12:00 noon each day as well as any time I choose. If we all set an INTENTION to do this, we can all join together and send people love, light, strength, energy to cope and PEACE. That is the aim, the goal of ALL of this. . . PEACE.

Yesterday for the first time I got a glimpse of the POSSIBILITY of PEACE when enough people follow their hearts and work toward UNITY and HARMONY. Where I can get stuck is realizing conflict and wars have been going on since the beginning of time. That doesn't mean it has to stay that way. 

I know the difference in the way I feel when I send myself and others COMPASSION, love, light and ATTENTION. I am giving this situation full throttle, pouring out my thoughts, feelings, pain, heartbreak, confusion, helplessness, any and all feelings that arise. Everyone has to do what they can do with the AWARENESS of it all and the teeny tiny steps we can all take helps carry the load.

I have a practice or habit that every morning I meditate and often write in my journal. This is automatic for me but I will do this practice more than once a day. For those who are working or occupied most of the day, there is a way to manage some still time somewhere. I also am learning a technique or as they call it an 'art' of Jin Shin, an ancient Japanese healing modality. I actually practiced this 20 years ago and then stopped for some unknown reason. The basic technique, if you will, is to hold your right thumb with the left hand, hold few seconds and then move on to index finger, middle finger, ring finger, baby finger. Then switch hands and do the same on the other hand. Each finger represents an emotion going on inside of us.

Wrap your fingers around your: thumb WORRY,  index FEAR, middle ANGER, ring GRIEF, baby LOVE. REPEAT other hand. It's good to take some deep breaths as you go. It's important to remember that one's INTENTION is what is needed. It has to be PRACTICED however not just 'thought about'. We can do this anywhere, waiting for something, sitting, walking, falling asleep, riding somewhere. I find this very helpful to calm me down and FOCUS on something pertinent. I have discovered that I have done this practice through the years and never really knew I was doing it! A good habit to cultivate!

I'm sending love and light to each of you, hoping that you will take extra good care of yourself.

I always KNOW that something good comes out of everything that happens, especially something tragic and overwhelming. Know that in your heart that keep going!



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