I was thinking about the word SHIFT today and so many very different images popped in my mind, these clouds for instance. If anyone were looking at these clouds above, they would notice them SHIFTING almost immediately. Clouds, like shadows or a sunset can SHIFT moment by moment and all we can do is observe and appreciate their movements. To resist or regret that it isn't staying the same, as in a photograph, is useless. 

There are countless situations and issues that continue to SHIFT or to change and there is nothing we can do about the actual change but there is always something we can do to take it in in the moment and NOTICE it and ACCEPT IT.

Think about how many SHIFTS there are in life. The word SHIFT doesn't always describe what is actually happening but it does convey something different is before us. I flashed on learning to drive a stick SHIFT pick up truck when I was in high school. I clearly remember trying to keep the gears straight, and where each one was located. Once I learned it, it became automatic, as most things do.

When we are AWARE of our body, we can actually feel parts of our body SHIFTING. Sometimes this feels good, sometimes we can feel pain. At least we are AWARE that something is happening. Other uses of the word SHIFT indicate a change of position in the body, SHIFTING from one foot to the other. If we spent 1 hour noticing every SHIFT taking place in our body and environment, it would be a full time job!

SHIFTS can happen when we use positions as a way of thinking, as in politics, standards or rules in organizations, such as business and schools, relationships, patterns (it's always been this way) views and ideas of 'bettering' a situation, prejudices in everyday life, to attempt to SHIFT ethics to make a statement. Overt and covert persuasion to make a point or win an argument. Even the earth, from moment to moment, day to day and month to month, year to year. 

It seems to me it goes back to :

Accepting the things I cannot change

Change the things I can

And the wisdom to know the difference.

This has been going on since the beginning of time, this SHIFTING business and it almost seems like a given, and maybe in some instances, it is. HOWEVER, since we all know this, it seems to me that becoming more AWARE, OBSERVING AND NOTICING each situation calls for a CONSCIOUS SHIFT in our thinking and behavior! 

It truly does not have to be like the hamster in the cage, running and running and getting nowhere. A kind person can remove the hamster from the cage and let it run free where it belongs! SHIFTING goals and PRIORITIES is the name of the game so that any SHIFTING that is to be done can be done with an open heart, CONSCIENTIOUS, and COMPASSIONATE way, the focus being on the good of all or at least more that oneself and a GENEROUS SPIRIT that SHIFTS the situation to a new level.

All that said, it does or can feel overwhelming, to be sure. So a way to start,(which is always the best way to SHIFT anything,) is to start with baby steps. One way is to do a Tai Chi posture which consists of standing on our two feet and gently SHIFTING or swaying back and forth, side to side, one foot at a time. That helps us BALANCE ourselves.



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