I have been on a journey the last 9 days that has taken me to a new AWARENESS of myself and the precious MOTHER EARTH. It is called The Food Revolution Summit. I listened to 24 brilliant doctors and scientists talk about the foods that we eat, the sources from where they come and the effects food has on our bodies, our life style AND our planet! It was a complete REVOLUTION for me. It encompassed the CAUSE and EFFECT of every choice we make to maintain health and well being (or not.)
It was going to a high consciousness class where profound information was forthcoming from every word spoken. I was very happy to learn that I am taking care of myself in a very positive way. I learned by tweaking a few foods I can be doing positive and great things for my body AND the planet. One of the most disturbing realizations I had during the Summit was the truth being revealed of the cruelty to animals and humans alike that exists today in the name of 'money, (profit)and greed'!
My biggest 'aha' was finally getting that we are ALL connected to each other and the planet. The obvious differences are the color of our skin, our language and customs, our heritage. Our HUMANNESS is not different. We ALL have the same needs to keep our health, both physical and mental and spiritual optimum. We cannot do any of this alone. We need the support of people who grow and supply our food, NURTURE our minds and spirits, our necessities in life. It seems so simple to me now. However to keep 'afloat' above the untruths, corruption and deceptions of todays world is a challenge, to say the least. I now have a new 'place' to 'put' my thoughts and focus.
My eyes have been opened greatly to the fact that by me following a truly healthy and sustainable life style, I have to follow some natural laws and THAT will CONTRIBUTE to a better world in terms of health AND community! I can DO this. I know how to do this now! I received so much HOPE, positive reinforcement and encouragement from listening to the people but also from the comments that were sent in and read to all us from over the world! There were 300,000 people listening on line from all over the world!
This was a COMMITMENT of the highest order to mankind, created and implemented by a father, John and his son Ocean Robbins and all the myriad of support people coming together to make all this possible. This is the 11th Summit in a row and the first time I ever knew about it. I will be re-listening to the people anytime since I ordered a recording of the whole Summit.
Perhaps the best part of the whole summit for me is a CLARITY about the TRUTH, a REFRESHER and COMMITMENT to my PURPOSE in my LIFE and a FOCUS for my mind and heart that I can implement every single hour of my life. My PURPOSE has long been to support people to BE who they really are in Body, Mind and Spirit. that includes everything!
It has lifted my spirits to a new high,
With hope, positivity, action and faith,
All this encapsulated within
And in the world!
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