I love the word, AUSPICIOUS! It sounds so mysterious, up-coming, exciting! There is another word, OMEN which means something about to come either good or bad but I prefer AUSPICIOUS because I want to focus on the good stuff. Another descriptive word is a SIGN. For instance, this morning I was walking by the pond and I saw a hawk standing on the ground by the fence. Suddenly, as hawks do from time to time, he flew away. As I took a couple more steps, I saw one of his feathers on the ground. It was grayish-brown and white stripe. I picked it up and thanked him for the gift. I definitely consider that AUSPICIOUS! A good thing!What does it mean . . .? Who knows and who cares?
Also there are 2 baby Moscovy ducklings bopping about on the lake. There were 4 but alas, now only 2. They are so adorable and very self sufficient after only 1week or so old. There is also an algae looking film on the lake which is natural, they tell me. I'm so AWARE of all these little nature events going on around me. Even the butterfly on the tree(thanks to Dan Schmidt) is AUSPICIOUS to me. EVERYTHING in NATURE can be AUSPICIOUS or certainly for a reason.
NATURE is truly a symphony of sights and sounds and mysteries everywhere. I know that it takes PAYING ATTENTION, as I've mentioned numerous times before, but it bears repeating because I feel it is vital that we NOTICE everything around us.
I have grown 'hawk eyes' in the last few years since living here at the Village, both in my apartment and certainly outdoors because of my fear of falling. I met a woman today who said she fell in her bedroom yesterday and we had a conversation about really being on the alert, hawk eye, if you will, with every step we take. Actually it has served me very well doing that because I have NOTICED and observed things I otherwise would have missed.
I personally love walking or virtually doing most things alone so I can really take things in. Of course I love sharing things with others. I happened to meet a man while I was writing sitting on a bench. We had a lovely chat and shared some similar interests. One thing that felt AUSPICIOUS to me was the fact that we had identical last 4 digits of our phone number! I just think it's fun to NOTICE things like that! It makes my life much more interesting and adventurous.
Perhaps you have met people whom you have some kind of connection with now and/or from the past. Even a deja-vu, with no 'logical 'memory of a person but just a feeling. It has happened at the Village with some people who re-connect so easily. It is true, it IS a small world after all; AND we are ALL CONNECTED anyway whether we like it or not! It's much more fun for me feeling this way! How do you feel?
Watch for those AUSPICIOUS
Moments that just pop up
AND appreciate them!
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