I love to be INSPIRED by many sights, sounds, scenes, especially in NATURE. Just looking at the photo above reminds me of Monet and his beloved home Giverny in France. He was a very unique and masterful artist and he painted from NATURE after planting a flower garden in colors, textures and shapes to fit his 'palette'. I learned a great deal from him when I planted my garden in Gainesville.
There is another artist that I revere as my all time favorite, Louis Tiffany, yes of the Tiffany glass family. I was fortunate enough to go the the Charles H. Morse Tiffany Museum in Winter Park, about 8 years ago, just outside Orlando (in Florida). It was and continues to be at the pinnacle of fantastic, 'out of this world', breathtaking experiences in my life. I have been to other museums or galleries but none of them had a lasting effect on my like Tiffany's Museum!
Louis Tiffany had an eye for beauty in the NATURAL world that focused on light, texture, and color. He created windows, lamps, vases, glassware, jewelry and more beauty than one can 'take in'. I have picked up some ideas and INSPIRATION from his pieces for my watercolor art that thrill me to my toes.
One reason I'm so keen on this 're-discovery' right now is that there is a tour coming up to the Museum if you live in the Village. It is an opportunity to be transported to another world in just a few hours. If one chooses to go, it's available to anyone with even the teensiest interest in beauty and in fine art. I can honestly say that it is a prime experience of my life because it is so outstanding, so different, so exquisite and so jaw droppingly GORGEOUS. This is an experience that truly filled my soul and my mind and INSPIRED me to NOTICE much more in NATURE.
The fact that EVERYTHING is available
to all of us to CREATE, IMPLEMENT
in some fashion whatever we see or want if we
will take the time to LOOK!
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