DISTRACTIONS are those pesky little things that try to divert our attention away from what is right in front of us. There is so much going on in our lives, our health, our happiness our work that it is hard to stay FOCUSED and alert. So naturally we all seek DISTRACTIONS to keep us entertained, unconscious, if you will, and functioning at a reasonable pace. There are good DISTRACTIONS and there are not so good (for us) DISTRACTIONS.
I seem to have a few DISTRACTIONS in my life. I guess you'd call them DISTRACTIONS, they are activities I pursue so I'm inspired, entertained, challenged, productive and just feel good. I must say I am getting quite good at DISCIPLINING myself to do the things that need getting done first, before I get carried away with some project or entertainment.
There are so many ways to DISTRACT ourselves, cooking, baking, eating, talking, shopping, buying, going somewhere, doing projects like cleaning out our kitchen cupboards. All our activities are either what we love to do or do to DISTRACT ourselves away from what is before us to do. There is no judgment here, I'm merely saying to PAY ATTENTION to ourselves and WATCH ourselves.
I love movies and documentaries and positive entertainment and stay clear of anything that could be to the contrary. Occasionally, very occasionally, I watch something in the afternoon. I seem to have to talk myself into it because I still have the mind set that I need to do something productive with my time. I have to remind myself that I really do get to choose the wayI spend my time. It is such a way of the work ethic. Also I never saw my mother or father do anything 'extra' during the day.
We are most fortunate that we can choose what we do with our time. I'm much more concerned with pleasing myself that 'doing what someone says I should do!' What I choose to do, what to read, what to eat, how to exercise is a freedom that I enjoy to the fullest. I just find it interesting how I seem to weigh the value of whatever it is, like 'checking in' with someone for approval and permission. It sounds so ridiculous but it's just something I notice that I do. Then I go ahead and do what I want!
I am AWARE of the miserable DISTRACTIONS going on in the world today. It's like a strong tide trying to pull us out to sea. I do seek refuge from them in my own pursuits. I feel all of us can only take so much of them and we need DISTRACTIONS to CENTER ourselves and stay balanced. Living in NATURAL surroundings that is so beautiful always helps me. I seek NATURE out whether by a walk, a book, photographs, travel videos. I'm thankful for the gifts of all these avenues and I do love them so.
I also love writing and I feel very productive when I write anything. I feel very fortunate to have discovered the activities I love to do. They come and go and I no longer feel I'm losing something if I don't do certain things anymore or for awhile.
Deciding what is a 'good'
very satisfying!
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