More and more I am NOTICING what really MATTERS to me. Like this photo of the woods with a sweet little stream running through it. It is one of my favorite things! I'm excited about discovering what is important to me, what really MATTERS, not just to me but to the world at large.  There are so many areas and categories to choose from now days. I have to be careful sometimes not to get sucked into any seemingly tempting DISTRACTIONS and allow my mind to wander into territory I really don't deem VALUABLE.

Right now and for a while, the world has been in a turmoil and an UNCOMFORTABLE, even threatening state of affairs. I never used to PAY ATTENTION to current events, news and painful events until a couple years ago. Since the pandemic, I have woken up to what really does MATTER. How many lives and nature, property has been affected by those who have very different priorities than I do. 

Now I NOTICE what is going on within myself and with my family, friends, neighbors and the world. I am opening my mind and my heart to feel the impact and deeds of others, both positive and negative. I'm feeling much more 'alive' and 'involved' at least being AWARE.

NOTICING even the littlest things,  what I'm thinking, acting on, believing,  abiding by; like what some people think is kind, helpful, compassionate, ethical, in integrity. Also how I'm responding to people and situations where I am. I used to be afraid that I would be 'left out' or miss something. When I started realizing some of these things had no meaning for me, I became very DISCERNING. What a relief. 

I also am realizing how ATTACHED I am to certain people, things, ideas and I'm NOTICING that lately I am DE-TACHED or 'unattached' to certain things I have believed or thought to be truths all my life! Any should's or should nots are coming to my AWARENESS and I can 'check them out' to see if I really feel that way now.

Living in my apartment, I'm very AWARE of my belongings and my comforts. I love my things and everyone of them have MEANING for me, a gift, a past memory, convenience, a 'find', 'items' that add to my comfort and enjoyment. I feel very sane in my life style. It saves a great deal of time, money and decisions where to put such and such. 

I've written about this before but it bears repeating. It has taken great DISCIPLINE to 'pass up' obtaining certain things. After 2-3 days I find I'm not even  thinking about what I thought I had to have!

I'm so relieved to live my life in beauty, comfort and convenience. It frees me up! It also helps me take my mind off my self and what I want and think I need, and be able to proceed in my life in a more generous way.  I always find that some aspect of NATURE fills my longings for 'more' very easily. Nature is everywhere if we just LOOK.

All this to say that I feel when I am taking care of myself, proper foods, exercise, entertainment that uplifts me and inspires me, I'm easily satisfied. Part of this attitude I'm, sure is because of my age and stage of my life and I'm most grateful for it all. The ups and downs, the successes and failures, the losses and gains and blessings, throughout. 

What MATTERS most to me in the world at large is KINDNESS,  INTEGRITY, HONESTY AND RESPONSIBILITY, SINCERITY, personal and global. What we do and what we say and how we  treat others. . . MATTERS!

It ALL begins with us 

and we do make a DIFFERENCE.

WE all make a DIFFERENCE!



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