It is such a delight to see BEES on the flowers! It is such a necessity for NATURE!
Recently a friend and I went for drive around town to peruse neighborhoods and see the Christmas lights and decorations on people's lawns. It was way too much fun! We saw two spectacular decorations that left us in awe! They were filled with huge blow-up figures of all sorts, blinking lights, color, absolute magic from end to end!
So much creativity and ingenuity and joy, beyond our wildest dreams! We became childlike in our admiration and wonder of it all! It was like something 'out of this world'! We were taking it all in when the other one would exclaim,"Look at this!!!" Before us we'd see yet another wonder and we'd swoon!
I have never personally decorated my front lawn beyond a wreathe on the door so to see the extent people had gone to to thrill and delight themselves and their neighbors was a real eye opener for me. I could feel the joy and excitement of each person who decorated their lawn with such merriment! It was palpable! It had to have been well thought out to be so rhythmical and magical. Each figure came alive with wonder and life!
I realized that it was the Spirit of the entire experience that was so magical! The people doing the decorating had that Spirit and wanted to share it with the world! How kind! Most of us never get to experience such magic in our day to day life and we all need to be transported to such wonder and delight from time to time. Since the world is so busy on most days, then the HOLIDAYS is a time to take a breath of fresh air and go seek some wonder and beauty to behold!
The awesomeness of it reminded me of Disneyland and how (even if you don't care for that sort of entertainment) one can't help but notice the bigness and wonder of the creativity that goes into all aspects of the production. If we each let the child like qualities of wonder and IMAGINATION come forth we can APPRECIATE the pleasure it affords us. I love the Walt Disney story of his persistence and determination to entertain the world!
In this final week before the Holiday of your choice, stop often and NOTICE the special time you're in and enjoy each moment.
It comes and
goes as
quickly as a blink!
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