REFRAINING is a holding back of action or reaction; a cautionary  AWARENESS to be AWAKE!

Have you ever had the urge to say something to someone or do something to someone that you knew would not be kind or helpful? This can arise in me if I am hurt by someone or annoyed or feel dismissed. I have come away from a situation both relieved and possibly still bothered by what just transpired. I have always been grateful I didn't react (the way I 'm sure I would have) in the long run. 

It seems perplexing to me that even though I REFRAINED from reacting, I still can feel the sting of what happened. I eventually remember that that person has been conditioned from the past to respond like that.I try to be COMPASSIONATE and realize that the person usually is unconscious  about what happened. I'm also learning about particular character traits that warrants this realization. Sometimes I can let it go, but I usually have to talk to myself about TIMING, understanding (even though sometimes I can't), and circumstances.

Sometimes when I feel unsure and at a loss to know what to do, I do REFRAIN from any decision until I have pondered it a bit. Doing this, it is inevitable that I come to an answer and can make an intelligent decision about what needs attending to. I cannot remember a time that this has not worked. I'm always grateful and relieved. 

Sometimes I have missed an opportunity to do something and been sorry. Oh dear I missed out! If  it is something that is 'meant to be' for me, the OPPORTUNITY will circle round again another time. I don't 'sit and wait 'for it, but I tuck it on the back burner. 

It is a blessing to discover (through trial and error) the varied aspects of LIFE and see how the pieces of mysterious puzzle fit together.

Once you know


You never un-know it!



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