Have you ever watched the waves crashing against the rocks, or a sun set before your very eyes, or a child grow from birthday to birthday and marveled at the sight of CHANGE happening automatically or without any human help? It truly is phenomenal! A wonder to behold!
There are a great deal of CHANGES that happen everywhere without our even being AWARE of any movement whatsoever! Take our body for instance. I'm always in awe of the workings of the human (or animal) bodily functioning. Even the workings of NATURE, with its moment to moment changes happening constantly! With these CHANGES, LIFE becomes more and more complex, beautiful, wonder-ful with each passing moment.
I love to ponder these CHANGES and realize there are even more CHANGES for us to deal with, that of the mind and attitudes, (and worldly conditions.) I embrace most CHANGES as they inevitably create something new for me to behold!
My AGING has snuck up on me in a rather subtle way, then boom! surprises showed up...OPPORTUNITIES rather, that were new to me. Firstly, moving to Gainesville almost 21 years ago, loving living alone in my sweet little house and my own garden! Then moving to the VILLAGE and creating a new kind of life for myself. THEN, preparing to move to building A with a new apartment the mirror image of the one I live in now!
What I always NOTICE is that I like my new 'home' I'm about to move in to better than the one I have now! This has been a pattern for me with every home I've lived in! It is very exciting and always a new OPPORTUNITY to create anew!
Along with all the physical movements I experience, there are the mental CHANGES that seem to be ever present in my LIFE. Many of these CHANGES are challenging and difficult. More and more I am ACCEPTING that this IS Life, the WAY IT IS! Once I started really getting this, I discovered within myself that there were things I could not CHANGE and things I could CHANGE. That was the beginning of freeing myself from anguish and so much fear!
I have been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks for 10 years and up until recently, they completely ran my life! I wouldn't participate in life for fear of 'falling apart'. One day I made a DECISION to do something and see how it went. To my amazement, I got through it fine and eventually started enjoying myself, Slowly but surely I participated in certain activities. Then, I got Covid and was very sick and felt knocked back with every activity, like writing my blog, exercise classes, socializing. Finally I'm back to walking and 'moving about' more and more!
After months of this CHANGE, I made a DECISION. Two different people said things to me, more like invitations, that opened up something in me to try again and see how I felt. So I did. One was writing my blog again and one playing games. I'm amazed at how it has lifted me! I still have my moments of uncomfortableness, but I am managing to go right through them. I treat them as a companion, a friend tagging along beside me, loving me and protecting me from harm.
All these thorns in our shoes are really GIFTS for us to 'work' through, and rise to our highest in every situation. It is not easy but I've found that pushing through, even in the dark, is more beneficial than stumbling along in anger, fear, and mistrust (of myself). It also reminds me to be COMPASSIONATE for people who cannot, for one reason or another, participate in life like they used to. I'm making the DECISION to move for as long as I can.
It is a test of our INTEGRITY
It's well worth it!
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