One of the biggest pleasures in my life is seeing/watching an EGRET! I absolutely love everything about them, their shape, shade of white, actions, ease, beauty. More and more I appreciate the BEAUTY and BOUNTY of the outdoors, especially around Gin Lake! There is always a scene to behold, like a new family of baby ducks, which are too cute & oh, so fluffy!

I love the way I'm INSPIRED, positively thrilled by sights that are sometimes almost hidden . . . except something sweet catches my eye and there I am. . .  smitten !

In a way I feel like I'm "sluffing" off old interests and have to's and picking up some child like activities, just for fun! I have recently fallen in love with wonderful stories, such as Winnie the Pooh! I even ordered  the book from Amazon because I love the words and the illustrations so much. Then I ordered the audiobook from the library because I love the readers voice impersonating these precious characters, who, by the way, make me laugh out loud! These little darlings are so wise and clever and communicative about LIFE and RELATIONSHIPS and KINDNESS!! Who knew???

The wondrous mind of an author who writes children's literature is a marvel. I have read a few other children's books in the last few years and loved them. I don't have regrets per se, except perhaps that I wasn't inspired as a child to read more. Never too late!!!

It is a blessing to AGE and become AWARE of some special things we liked (to do). There are plenty of activities we can peruse now that we used to do or have put aside for the time being. They're like finding treasures in locked boxes that we used to like but other things got in the way, so we put them aside...till!?

Since there are more and more activities and interests that no longer intrigue me, I'm happy when I discover something either new or untried that I can try out now, just for fun! Games for one! Good for the brain, besides.

I'm even noticing I'm not so passionate about my houseplants as I was before. I still have plenty but I'm considering letting some of them go that are lagging along. It's amazing to me that I consider some things differently than before. . . I think it's a sign of growth!

Be brave and INTRIGUED

by something new or old hat

that used to 

tickle your fancy!



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