I want to write about two very IMPORTANT aspects of life that I have experienced lately.     

One is COURAGE! As I mosey through my life I'm very AWARE of situations people are experiencing that take enormous COURAGE. It doesn't matter how old one is, there are times when we are called upon to 'buckle up' and go through something. Such is the case of my 17 year old granddaughter. She had major surgery on her jaw! I had never heard of such extensive surgery and she was a heroine to be sure. She had the surgery about 4-5 weeks ago and is now able to eat soft food, (whereas before strictly liquid), she can now TALK . . . She has been the model patient, the surgeon is shocked at her recovery, a week ahead of schedule with her healing!

This whole procedure will (is) change her life forever! For anyone any age to go through such severe change is to be commended!

The other aspect is KINDNESS and ACKNOWLEDGEMENT to people we know and love. The KINDNESS and ATTENTION my granddaughter received from her parents, family were outstanding and I feel sure that they accelerated her healing.

I have just had a birthday and I received such KINDNESS from all my children. I also received KINDNESS and ACKNOWLEDGMENT from friends and family that mean so very much to me. 

I realized that in order to feel good about ourselves, we have to received KINDNESS and love from others, even 1 'other'. It is part of everyones 'make-up'! It shows on our faces and our disposition when we are given some loving attention by others. 

Some of us don't have a specific person or friend that treats us with KINDNESS. So there is something we can do about that! We can show it to others in our lives and it will help fill in the gap, the void, the empty place at least a little bit. I'm finally getting this . . .when I don't get what I want or need, I do my best to share it with others. 




wherever we are!



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