I have just been introduced to a magical 'turn around' for me! I have been introduced to a musical experience the likes of which I have never experienced before. You too can experience it as well.
It is on You Tube on your phone or TV screen or computer called PLAYING FOR CHANGE!
People from many, many countries are shown playing a musical instrument and/or singing, dancing and/or playing the same song at the same time. It's like a concert except each person is from a different country. There are children and people of all ages playing, singing and dancing in unison!
There are people from the United States, and each person no matter where they are from is performing with such joy and enthusiasm and love of music and the connection with each person performing, that I was swept into a 'state' just watching their faces, listening to the words, melody and the incredibly gorgeous scenery shown in most places. These songs are short, 2 to 5-6 minutes each so there is a variety and a flow to the tempo that is mesmerizing to me!
The songs sung are in English so most songs are understandable. Just watching their expressions while performing is thrilling and inspiring, and the expressions of joy and satisfaction when they finish their piece warms my heart to the point of tears. These people are so dedicated and so focused and kind in their hearts that it immediately transferred over to 'me', others!
Besides all the joy abounding on faces, I could see the pain on some of the faces as a result of strife, tragedy, loss . . .which makes the playing all the more poignant.
The magic of music touches us all at a point of heart connection like nothing I have ever experienced. I could just tell that no matter what, these people had their music and ability to sing and play, no matter what! I imagine that few performers actually knew each other (I don' know for sure) but the whole performance was so beautifully orchestrated that it felt like one seamless flow! truly moved me and I can't wait to get back to enjoy more! I hope you do the same!
Watch your reaction to it all!
It is a gift to us all
From people who care!
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