This morning I found myself drawn to reading about John Muir, certainly one of my favorite people on this planet! He is my go to inspiration and connection! I honestly have never read an author that speaks from his heart and his soul so eloquently and so sincerely and with such feeling!

A true Naturalist, he is the one who opened my eyes to the beauty in Nature, starting with Yosemite Park in California! 

One of the aspects of Nature I do so appreciate is the IMPERMANENCE of virtually everything. We can all appreciate that Autumn is approaching. Crisper, cooler air, falling leaves from many trees, changes in the feel in the air and the atmosphere . . .ahhhh CHANGE! I chose this photo of clouds because it is the precise aspect of Nature we can count on to be IMPERMANENT. It often changes from one eye blink to the next. Sometimes we wish that some things would stay put, but they don't,

We can however observe some things that are PERMANENT. Like what, perhaps the Grand Canyon, the Grand Tetons, mountains that have been here sometimes millions of years, seem PERMANENT. They actually aren't PERMANENT because every single day wind and rain gently brush away another layer of soil and rock, even though they have been in existence for millions of years, some of them. I think it's fair to say they will be around in our lifetime.

I'm not a scientist but I love to find out about aspects of nature I never knew before. I can see why people want to be botanists, arborists, landscape gardener, Nature scientists of all sorts. It's the WONDER of it all, everywhere we look! We certainly are blessed to live at the Village and enjoy each day of beauty.

I remember going camping with my family and my son and I were having a particularly hard time leaving the site. We sat on a pier and felt sad in leaving but we also appreciated the WONDER of our week there. It seemed to have opened my son's eyes to Nature in a whole new way and he's loved it ever since.

I too grew up near Yellowstone and remember so much about going there over the years. It was only 75miles from our home. On the way to the Park we stayed at our  cabin in the woods at the base of a small mountain. I spent a lot of time there, exploring and captivated by the beauty. 

It was an IMPERMANENT experience but filled with precious memories I cherish and can picture in my mind in a second. That makes them PERMANENT to me. The other thing I have realized is that when I have to leave a beautiful and special location, I remember that it will remain there. It is PERMANENT & that brings relief, comfort and joy to my heart and soul.

John Muir talks about 'falling in love' with the sites he sees (Yosemite & I'm sure everywhere he ventures). It is a palpable feeling of such beauty I think he does well to describe it. Many times I have been speechless!

These autumn days are

Full of wonder and magic

if we will but take it in.



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