As you know, NATURE is my most favorite 'things'! It comes in many forms but at the top of the list is National Parks. I just completed watching PBS National Parks, a 6 episode wonder of the most magnificent scenery and information I have experienced. I grew up 75 miles from Yellowstone Park and have precious memories of that spectacular experience! I clearly remember the marvel of Old Faithful erupting with in minutes of when it was scheduled to 'go off'. Seeing wildlife very often just driving along the road going from one site to the next, bears, elk, moose, deer, magnificent creatures! I'm so grateful I was exposed to all this when I was young!
I enjoyed the episodes every time I watched it, but this time I watched it consecutively and it seemed to soak into my soul. Besides the beauty that was everywhere I learned so much more about the people who worked tirelessly and diligently to PRESERVE the beauty of the Parks. John Muir, Yosemite, Teddy Roosevelt, who really saw the 'big picture' of the National Parks for the good of all, our children, their children, all of life!Steven Mather, who was the head of the Park Service, a man who worked tirelessly, often 16 hours a day for the good of the park and all its millions of visitors. Oh so inspiring!
I have had the privilege of visiting several Parks in the United States. Three of my favorites are Yosemite, Yellowstone and Arcadia in Maine. There we walked along a path, the ocean on one side of us and the forest on the other! There are two more I would dearly love to visit and they are GrandCanyon and the Smokie Mountains. Ah alas, we'll see. . .
After visiting and watching the videos of the Parks, it somehow makes me appreciate Nature everywhere. Now living at theVILLAGE, where beauty is everywhere we look, let us appreciate where we live! This you might have guessed is one of my most favorite topics to think about and discuss. Riding in a car, I notice how I'm always looking at the trees, flowers and bushes along the road and in the landscape. While walking anywhere, I'm always looking and searching for 'greenery' in some form. I've walked with others and had to point out certain wonders to them, they were so busy talking they never noticed.
This is almost a personal favor,
to OPEN your eyes, your mind and your heart to NATURE
and be grateful that you SEE
what is in front of you, or in the distance.
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