This might look familiar (it's actually taken in Oregon) but it serves to represent my point, PATH. There is one way to reach such beauty and it is by taking a PATH. I'm truly in my element just looking at this beauty! 

I have been a bit under the weather and feeling 'out to sea' and certainly not 'myself'. I find that when this happens to me it is best to S T O P, look and listen!  I'm feeling very lethargic and unable to keep up the pace I was on, so I was having a hard time not blaming myself for this change.
I was feeling old and quite useless and uninspired. Out of that came a gift (I knew it would show up sooner or later) in the form of a book,"THE INNER WORK OF AGING"BY CONNIE ZWEIG. 

Anything new & different can bring about a new perspective, as we know. This book opened my eyes and heart to new POSSIBILITIES to actually LIVE while my body continues to do what it has been doing for awhile . . .AGING! 

I can honestly say that everyone reading this blog & otherwise is aging. The thing about aging that is different for me is that it feels different, more challenging, physically for me in particular and everything takes me longer to accomplish! I'm very good about acknowledging myself for doing 1-2-3 things in one day, trying very hard not to chastise or criticize myself for not having done more!

This whole aging process comes upon us all bit by bit and in stages. I have taken very good and conscientious care of myself all my life, consistantly over the years and I'm very thankful for that. It has helped. Its just that walking into this new phase of  life has no instructions or diagrams to show the way or make us feel more comfortable. So many questions . . .

When we grow up there are 'markers', so to speak, to let us know where we are and how we are doing. There's birthdays, graduations, marriage or securing a position that makes us feel more secure, marks on the pat, which are verry helpful and auspicious. The transition from lets say after RETIREMENT, losing a loved one, even moving anywhere is disorienting and takes some time and adjustment to settle in.

Few of us have had mentors or guides (in our experience) to show us 'the easiest way' to proceed. That's why I am on a search for some assistance, help from wise people and knowledgable people who can and have helped us along the way. A true blessing.

No matter how fast we run or hard we work, we all have to face the fact that we are AGING, respectfully. I intend to pursue this journey for myself and anyone who wants to come along. I feel a calling to do this and that gives me great joy and satisfaction. 

Those things are vital to our aging process. 

Something that brings us joy . . .

to embark on . Good seeking !



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