It has been a while since I have written and I must say I have missed it very much. I am feeling a resurgence in the past few days and decided it is time for me to reach out and to share with you.

I'm happy to say I am learning to take one day at a time, one moment actually for the most part, and to do what I feel like doing, and that hasn't been much. One step at a time, baby steps as they say, and it is working. 

For one thing this season is a challenge for me. I'm slowing down to the point where I have to be very selective about what I do. It is a tremendous relief to really hone in on myself and follow my heart. I do notice when I go to bed at night I feel calm and satisfied about the day.

I've also been reading some amazing books that have guided me to safe harbor and made me feel more steady and balanced. When I think of how I used to scramble around, especially at this time of year and it never made me feel satisfied. 

There is something to be said for slowing down and being focused!Its like tearing up my TO DO list and leaving it all behind. There are 2 reasons for that. . . 

1 Is that I don't have the get up and go I used to have, physically

2 The state of the world is so drastic, so appalling that I am sending my thoughts, support and compassion outward as well as inward as often as I can.

I have a very deep desire to do away with the traditional frenzy that goes on with people around the holidays. The merchants and the advertisers are so into the economy in the name of giving & making people feel good, that they are stumbling over their own hearts & souls in order to, perhaps, keep up with the Jones's, makeup for some some guilt or some lacking in the past.

I can think of many kind, generous and meaningful gifts that can be given from the heart and soul of the giver that would be appreciated by the giver and the recipient. Quite possibly some of the people who need basic necessities could be remembered and given to.

To cut back on spending, activities, travel, extravagances and 'DO 'with what I have for now has lifted my soul and my mind to much more significant thoughts and actions and I'm ever so thankful for this AWARENESS!

I sincerely hope that you all have a very pleasant and meaningful holiday season, one of PEACE and UNDERSTANDING and FORGIVENESS in your heart, that way 

WE can enter into the NEW YEAR 

With an OPEN HEART and 

A warm sense of GRATITUDE!



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