This is an ANGEL TRUMPET plant from my back yard before Village. I always think of a ballerina dancing when I see the "skirt" part of her 'dress' swaying in the breeze! When I was a little girl I remember I squeezed a flower & destroyed it and vowed never to deliberately do that again. I have grown to respect NATURE, flowers & the like. I know so much more now!

That vow has spilled over into every part of my life. I am training myself to REFRAIN from over-doing anything! I have become very disciplined about portions and richness of food, over buying, over collecting and over exertion or over extending my time and energy, especially in things I do not enjoy, but know I must do.

Part of this 'way of being' is chosen, the other part of it is mandatory. It is 'put upon me' as it were. I'm learning not to risk some movements and activities because of fear of falling. I have fallen often in my life, usually because of turning my ankle & and plunging to the ground. Now a days, I am much more cautious because I could get injured or sustain a broken something or other.

REFRAINING and over-doing are seemingly opposites but either one is an extreme in certain circumstances. I have REFRAINED from learning certain activities out of fear, mostly of getting hurt or worse, and overwhelm. Such things as sky diving, rock climbing, sailing, etc. I believe it is called 'lack of courage'. However I did endure a ropes course once and I must say it was the thrill of my life! Other activities I REFRAIN from because I don't have the PATIENCE or the inclination to learn them!

I have not REFRAINED from many things, however. Marriage, mothering, college, teaching, moving cross country, moving here to Village, writing, speaking, doing what I don't want to do . . . more of the 'simple' day to day living sort of things. That's where my COURAGE comes into play. I'm making PEACE with all the activities I choose to do and choose NOT to do!

Perhaps the most important kind of REFRAINING is when I want to say something but if I would say it, it would not be KIND, because in that moment I am not happy! So by REFRAINING from saying anything, I pause or wait and sure enough . . . I'm ALWAYS grateful I kept my mouth shut. . .until an appropriate time presents itself or not at all. This has been a life changer for me!

In the long run, I'm realizing I'm much better off 

and feeling a 'friend' to myself, doing what I choose. 

One might say, I'm choosing well for myself! 



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