Dan Schmidt
We are in the beginning of a New Year. I really love this time of year, the holidays are over and it is time to look forward to coming days and months. Each of us has our own experience with this, I know. I see it as a time to appreciate what I have enjoyed and let go of forgotten events, mistakes, omissions etc and create anew.
I read about FORBEARANCE recently and was struck by the meaning. In NATURE, and in OURSELVES. What does that mean? For instance, in NATURE, the severity of the weather causes leaves to fall and limbs to break, even fires in forests, all sorts of drastic conditions.
Many unfortunate incidences happen to us humans that makes life precarious and uncomfortable.(As well as joyous and exciting!)Still, we keep going and practice FORBEARANCE whether we want to or not. It is built into our nature.
This applies in places all over the world as well as in our personal lives and our neighborhood. It is very powerful to contemplate the vast number of situations going on that we know nothing about. When it's over and we recognize the strength of people's SPIRIT, it is pause to reflect.
This kind of reflection helps make me feel more balanced, which is what I'm aiming for, the balance of 'opposites' as it were. That is exactly what is being asked . . .ACCEPTING the good with the 'bad', the highs with the lows. Sounds easy, well, maybe but it is not! It helps me to have a tool, like FORBEARANCE to bring to mind and focus on.
Then I see how it starts changing,
Swinging back to something else.
When we are open to
What is going on.
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