Whenever we might see a wonder in the world like this photograph, we might think that it is USELESS. If we look more closely, we can see that it is indeed a wonder in this world! We've seen many 'rocks' that are just rocks but to see such a huge one with trees, living, growing trees, shooting up to the sky, many years old . . . is remarkable!

I read once that when tree cutters are looking for the best trees to cut down, they check & see if they are strong, sturdy, fragrant and USEFUL for making furniture, doors, floors, etc. If they do not have these qualities, they are considered USELESS and are left alone. Fair enough.

There have been times I have felt USELESS. I have no imagination, creativity, energy, ability to start a project or maybe even think about one. While I do feel USELESS, it is a feeling of emptiness, lethargy, adrift, lonely and loss. It feels endless sometimes and I'm feel of no worth.

If we reflect back on our lives as children, perhaps we have been told by adults that we are USELESS. We can't do anything right . . .we're not using our brain, we are USELESS.   So we continue on talking to ourselves in like manner because we don't know any other way to be!

I have heard about self-talk for years and I never really bothered with it before. Recently I have become AWARE of the importance of self-talk as I'm getting older and less able to bounce around as readily as I used to. I'm practicing catching myself in mid-sentence when I start to criticize myself or make myself wrong. My usual chant has been you should do, be such & such. Oh my, a terrible trap. 

One thing I have accomplished is to REFRAIN, NOT say something sarcastic, rude and /or inappropriate OUT LOUD ! This has proved over and over again to be a blessing!  

We can't stop these nasty little habits right away, but we can do 2 things:

1. Make a decision to treat ourselves with kindness and acceptance of ourselves, while we are training ourselves to appreciate ourselves no matter what!

2.When we 'trip up',we send ourselves a deep breath, kind 'look' and a willingness to reframe what we just thought or said. THIS takes 'DISCIPLINE'! It's up to each one of us to decide what kind of life we want to continue living, one of kindness or irritation!

There is nothing

in this world 

That is USELESS. 



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