St. Francis PASTTIMES What are PASTTIMES? Perhaps something to PASS the TIME in order to feel like we are doing something. A hobby, a game, learning a new skill, research about some topic we are or have been very interested in, an invention or discovery that fascinates us or is just plain fun. Since I have moved into the Village, I have re-discovered activities I used to do or have been too lazy to investigate a new way of being. My first and top priority is exercise, mostly balance, stretching, walking, back strengthening, and gardening. This week, I attended a yoga-meditation class and an ‘aquacise’, (water aerobics) class, both I find delightful. I’m amazed at how much better my body and mind feel doing these physical and mindful activities! I may have mentioned this before but it bears repeating because it is making such a difference. Many people participate but there are many who do not. I’m sure that it is because they are in pain, stiff or bored. A hobby coul...
Showing posts from April, 2018
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SETTLED Lily When I moved into the village, I felt very un SETTLED to be sure. I was torn between unpacking, arranging, SETTLING IN and visiting at least some the activities offered here. I decided to take the first month, ( that seemed how long it was going to take me) to SETTLE in. I know I have mentioned it before, but it bears repeating. I have always been so glad I made that decision because that is precisely why I feel SETTLED in my home and in the community. When I feel a bit overwhelmed or frayed, I come ‘home’ and SETTLE in again. Then I’m ready to get on my horse and ride again. I have been single for 34 years and have learned how to SETTLE in very differently than when I was married. I grew up! I’m so grateful I found the ways to make my life work both by myself and with help of others. Now I feel ever so much more confident and efficient. It can be done. It takes perseverance. The very word un SETTLED can make me feel that way. Think about the various mea...
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APPROACH CLEMATIS That is an odd word, APPROACH, but it came to mind quite strongly and when that happens, I PAY ATTENTION. As I was thinking about the word, APPROACH, I realized how often I APPROACH different aspects of my life, and they are very different from one another. My INTENTION is to APPROACH virtually everything with caution, sensitivity, awareness, gentleness, willingness, intuition and determination. For example: I APPROACH eating a meal with eagerness and curiosity ((how will it taste?) I APPROACH an intersection with caution. I APPROACH a new project or task with trepidation and excitement. I APPROACH a person with sensitivity, is this a good time to talk? I APPROACH writing my blog with how it feels to write about a subject. If it doesn’t feel good, I choose another topic. AWARENESS is the key to any situation as far as I can tell. The proverbial ‘bull in the china closet’ is not well received. Personally, I am very...
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LESSONS Bue Sky Vine A day doesn’t go by without me learning some kind of LESSON about myself! It is amazing! For instance, today I played the game, bingo with about 20 people, (who are regulars) and enjoyed every minute of it. I didn’t win today but I have won a few games in the past. Bingo teaches me so much. It is easy for me to play the game and eye opening to watch myself get excited at the possibility of winning. Just like a kid! If I don’t win I am happy for the one(s) who do win each time. I am learning to see people as people, as children, adults and aging adults who shine on their own no matter what they are doing. It really doesn’t matter what I am doing, I learn something about myself that is enlightening even if I don’t get the result I want. One important LESSON for me is not to take anything personally . . . like not ‘winning’ at bingo. The other night I asked someone who was waiting alone to have dinner with me. We waited a very long time to ...
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REVELATION I awoke this morning with an amazing REVELATION. I had come to the last page of my journal and, I wanted to complete the journal with some profound REVELATION. Completions are very important to me and so I chose my thoughts and feelings and words very carefully. I reviewed my spiritual beliefs, writing them down and then something told me to go back and peruse what I had written in the recent past. I don’t re-read my journal entries as a rule but I was drawn to a particular page and found 2 pages I had written that best describe my core beliefs. It was all completely inspired and so well written I felt that it was an epiphany! It felt like I finally revealed to myself what I felt and who I am. It was incredibly FREEING. Beliefs passed down to me over the years have been just that, passed down and I never was sure if I believed them, or if I should believe them. When I started studying and investigating TRUTH on my own, I was/am able to discern THE UNIVERSAL...